
Making pour-over coffee is a simple yet precise brewing method that allows you to enjoy a fresh and flavorful cup. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make pour-over coffee:

Ingredients and Tools:
– Freshly roasted coffee beans
– Burr grinder
– Pour-over cone (e.g., Hario V60, Chemex, Kalita Wave)   
– Paper filter (specific to your pour-over cone)
– Gooseneck kettle
– Digital scale

– Timer
– Hot water (just below boiling, around 200-205°F or 93-96°C)
– Coffee mug

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Measure Coffee:**
– Weigh the amount of coffee beans you’ll be using. A standard coffee-to-water ratio is around 1:15, so if you’re using 20 grams of coffee, you’ll need 300 grams of water.

2. Grind Coffee:**
– Grind your coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency. The grind size should resemble coarse sea salt.

3. Rinse Filter:**
– Place the paper filter in the pour-over cone and rinse it with hot water. This helps remove any paper residue and preheats the brewing apparatus.

4. Preheat Coffee Equipment:**
– Preheat your pour-over cone and coffee mug by pouring hot water through them. Discard the water before brewing.

5. Add Coffee Grounds:**
– Place the pour-over cone on the scale, add the coffee grounds, and level them to create an even bed.

6. Bloom the Coffee:**
– Start your timer and pour just enough hot water over the coffee grounds to saturate them. Allow the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds. This helps release gases trapped in the coffee grounds.

7. Pour in Stages:**
– Begin pouring water over the coffee grounds in a controlled, circular motion. Pour in stages, allowing the water to filter through the grounds. Maintain a slow and steady pour, keeping the water level consistent.

8. Control Brew Time:**
– Aim for a total brew time of 2.5 to 4 minutes. Adjust your grind size, pour rate, and coffee-to-water ratio to achieve your desired extraction time.

9. Finishing the Pour:**
– Once you’ve reached the desired coffee weight, stop pouring. Allow any remaining water to filter through the coffee grounds.

10. Enjoy:**
– Carefully remove the pour-over cone and discard the used coffee grounds. Stir your brewed coffee to ensure uniformity, and enjoy your fresh cup of pour-over coffee.

– Experiment with different coffee-to-water ratios and grind sizes to find your preferred taste.
– Maintain a consistent pouring technique for an even extraction.
– Use a gooseneck kettle for better control over pouring.
– Take note of variables such as water temperature and brew time to refine your brewing process.

By following these detailed instructions, you can create a delicious cup of pour-over coffee that highlights the unique flavors of your favorite coffee beans.